Hello everyone!
It's the start of 2016 and I thought to jot down a few of my thoughts over what has happened in 2015.
Game of Thrones Season 5 is awesome as usual, full of heart stopping moments and the cliffhanger at last episode which left the viewers wondering whether Jon Snow is dead or barely alive.
I've passed my Class 3 Manual Driving Practical Test in after 1 year of learning, 2 instructors and $3,600 less in my bank account.
I've also obtained Class 2B license which allows me to ride motorcycles less than 200cc and below.
Quit my expensive gym membership ($160/month - what in the world was I thinking? All the money that could have gone towards travelling...)
Picking up the hobby of rock climbing is probably the best thing that has happened to me this year. I was hooked since the first time I've tried it. It's a great individual sport that challenges me physically and mentally. Got a half yearly season pass at Climb Central and climbed outdoors in Kuala Lumpur.
Hiking up Mount Kinabalu was probably the most exhausting activity I've ever did in my entire life. I was pushed to the brink of my physical limit with severe diarrhea and but eventually I did reach the peak of 4,096m with great support from my friends. An earthquake causing 18 deaths happened 2 months later :(
Completed a first aid and rescue diving course in Hikkaduwa, which is great for improving the general safety of other divers and if i wish to advance to divemaster in the future.
Travelled to Malaysia, Australia(again), Krabi (diving) and Sri Lanka. Crossed off 10 UNESCO WHS off my list ( 1 in Kinabalu, 8 in Sri Lanka and 1 in Singapore - congratulations to the promoted status of Royal Botanic Gardens)
Possible plans for 2016
- Working holiday in New Zealand (Air tickets booked for 17 Mar!)
- Find a more engaging workplace to spend 8 hours of my time everyday (instead of typing out a blog post like this)
- Get fitter (a more accurate fitness goal than BMI is percentage of body fat. Let's drop it from 20% to 18%)
- Climb regularly (2 to 3 times/week, or more when my body successfully adjusts to putting my entire body weight on my finger tips. Right now, I'm on a somewhat solid 6A+ or shaky 6B on top rope, a terrified 6A on lead and occasional boulder V3.)
- Bike trip to Malaysia (Penang, Malacca, Cameron Highlands will be nice)
- Spanish lessons in Columbia (Maybe, let's see how the year and application goes)
Let's treat everyone more kindly, smile more, laugh genuinely, keep in contact with family and friends.
I look forward to 幸福 (no word in English can replace this word accurately in my opinion, but it roughly translates to happiness, bliss and welfare) and bigger plans for 2016!
Ending this post with a selfie taken in Knuckles Mountain, Sri Lanka!